Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Water Supply & Waste  4th Sem Civil/0514/May 2019 Paper

Water Supply & Waste  4th Semester Civil/0514/May 2019 Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                              15×1=15

        i. Per capita consumption for domestic use is 135 liters .
       ii. In arithmetic increase method, the population increase at a constant rate.
      iii. The quality of tube well water is much better than that of surface sources.
      iv. No bacteria’s are present in sub-surface water.
      v. Turbidity is a measure of resistance water to passage of light.
     vi. Slow sand filters require more area.
     vii. A.C pipes are made of asbestos fibers and cement.
    viii. Stopcock is a sluice valve.
     ix. Human excreta are a semi-solid waste.
      x. Concrete sewers also known as Plain or Reinforced sewers.

   b) State True or False.

     xi. Intensity and duration of rainfall affects the run-off. T/F (True)
    xii. Water meter is used to measure the quantity of flow through service pipe. T/F (True)
    xiii. Per capita consumption for public use in 25 liters. T/F (False)
    xiv. Disinfection is same as sterilization. T/F (True)
     xv. Slow sand filters are better than rapid sand filters. T/F (TRUE)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

     a. What is per capita demand? What are the factors, which affect per capita demand?
     b. Discuss the merits and demerits of various sources of water supply scheme.
     c. What is sedimentation? Give advantages of plain sedimentation.
     d. What is turbidity? What are the causes of turbidity in water?
     e. What are the requirements of good building drainage?
     f. Compare combined and separate systems of sewerage.
     g. Write a short note on drop manhole.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

     i. Differentiate between slow sand filters and rapid sand filters.
    ii. What is coagulation? Explain dry feeding method of mixing coagulants in water.
    iii. What are the different water supply fixtures? Describe any four of them.
    iv. What are the requirements of a good distribution system? Explain different methods of distribution.
     v. What is disinfection? What are the various methods of disinfection of water?

Water Supply & Waste  4th Sem Civil/0514/may 2019 Paper

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/maY 2019 Paper

Per capita consumption for domestic use is _____________

Per capita consumption for domestic use is 135 liters .       

In arithmetic increase method, the population __________ at a constant rate.

In arithmetic increase method, the population increase at a constant rate.    

The quality of tube well water is _______ better than that of surface sources.

The quality of tube well water is much better than that of surface sources.     

No ____________ are present in sub-surface water.

No bacteria’s are present in sub-surface water.    

 Turbidity is a measure of _________ water to passage of light.

 Turbidity is a measure of resistance water to passage of light.   

Slow sand filters require ________ area.

Slow sand filters require more area.     

A.C pipes are made of _________ and cement

A.C pipes are made of asbestos fibers and cement.   

Topcock is a _________ valve.

Topcock is a sluice valve.     

Human excreta are a _________ waste.

Human excreta are a semi-solid waste.     

 Concrete sewers also known as _______ sewers

 Concrete sewers also known as Plain or Reinforced sewers.

   b) State true or false.

b) State true or false.

Intensity and duration of rainfall affects the run-off. T/F


Water meter is used to measure the quantity of flow through service pipe. T/F


Per capita consumption for public use in 25 liters. T/F


Disinfection is same as sterilization. T/F


Slow sand filters are better than rapid sand filters. T/F


Download Previous Year Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering  PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2019 Click Here

Section B :Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/may 2019 Paper

What is per capita demand? What are the factors, which affect per capita demand?

Per capita demand

What are the factors, which affect per capita demand     

Discuss the merits and demerits of various sources of water supply scheme.

merits and demerits of various sources of water supply scheme.     

What is sedimentation? Give advantages of plain sedimentation.

Sedimentation and advantages of plain sedimentation.     

What is turbidity? What are the causes of turbidity in water?

Turbidity and  causes of turbidity in water

What are the requirements of a good distribution system? Explain different methods of distribution.

Requirements of a good distribution system?

Different methods of distribution.     

What is disinfection? What are the various methods of disinfection of water?


various methods of disinfection of water?

Water Supply and Waste Water Engg WSWWE  Civil 4th Semester PSBTE Diploma Solved May 2019 Paper Click Here

Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/may 2019 Paper

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Section c :- Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/may 2019 Paper

 Differentiate between slow sand filters and rapid sand filters.

Differentiate between slow sand filters and rapid sand filters.

What is coagulation? Explain dry feeding method of mixing coagulants in water.


Explain dry feeding method of mixing coagulants in water.

What are the different water supply fixtures? Describe any four of them.

Different water supply fixtures

What are the requirements of a good distribution system? Explain different methods of distribution.

Requirements of a good distribution system

What is disinfection? What are the various methods of disinfection of water

What is disinfection

What are the various methods of disinfection of water

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